Historically, the Guba carpet-weaving zone was divided into high-
lands, foothills, and lowlands. The mountainous areas included the
carpet-weaving villages of Khashi, Gonaghkand, Jimi, Afurja, Yerfi,
Budug, Sohub, Giriz, Jek, Khan, and Salmasoyud. In the foothills, car-
pet weaving was centralized in the highland villages of Amirkhanli,
Alikhanly, Khalfalar, Piremsan, Gandov, Biliji, Shahnezerli, Pirebe-
dil, Zeyva, Sirt-Chichi, Dara-Chichi, Khirdaguk-Chichi, Sabatlar, and
Shabran, as well as in the lowland villages of Chay Karagashli, Haji
Karagashli, Sarvan, Davachi, and Mollakamalli. The Guba carpet scho-
ol also includes carpets woven by Azerbaijanis in the ancient town of
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