Azerbaijani carpets / SHIRVAN GROUP
A thousand year
period of Shirvan’s
history was related
to the Shirvanshahs.
The term Shirvanshah
refers to the name of
the government in
addition to the ruling
Human shaped clay dish.
The Sassanid government brought people here from other areas of their empire to
strengthen their positions in Shirvan. Among these migrants were Jewish and Tati
The Sassanid government attempted to spread Zoroastrianism. It is said that the
famous Surakhani Ateshgah (18
century) was built in the same location as the an-
cient “ateshperestlik” (fire worship) temple.
About Shirvanshahs and division of their authority into periods
. A thousand year period
of Shirvan’s history was related to the Shirvanshahs. The term Shirvanshah refers to
the name of the government in addition to the ruling dynasty. Shirvanshahs’ history
is divided into four periods. The first period is considered the first Shirvanshahs.
The second period was called Mezyedi, the third Kesrani (although Kesranis were
not a separate dynasty), and finally, the fourth period was called Derbendiler.
The first Shirvanshahs
. The first Shirvanshah government was established in the
first half of the sixth century. There is little information about the qualities and rule
of the first Shirvanshahs. They ruled until the Arabic invasions into Azerbaijan es-
tablished Caliphate authority. At this time the pre-Islamic portion of the history of
Shirvan ended.
During this period, in addition to continuing the traditions of Gobustan, impor-
tant innovations occurred in the cultural and artistic development in Shirvan. One
example of cultural innovation at the beginning of the era is the stone human monu-
ments. Unlike ceremonial monuments, the formation of this new type of sculpture
was an indicator of artistic development. However, following the official acceptance
of Christianity in fourth century Albania, the development of the monuments was
seen as idolatry and development of this art form ceased.
Invasion of the Arab Caliphate
. Large-scale invasions began with the creation of a
strongArab Caliphate. One of the major attack targets of the Caliphate was Sassanid.
In 637, the Arabs gained victory over the Sassanid in the battle of Ctesiphon. The
Sassanids were defeated in the battle of Nehavend in 642. After subjecting southern
Azerbaijan to the Caliphate, the Arabs began a crusade towards Bab-el-Ebvaba (to-
wards Derbent) through Shirvan, along the shores of the Caspian Sea. During these
crusades in 642-643, Shirvan was invaded. By capitalizing on the favorable condi-
tions following the death of Caliph Omar (634-644), Shirvan was able to escape the
authority of the Caliphate. However, after coming to the power, Caliph Uthman (644
– 656) organized new crusades, during which Shirvan and Derbent came under the
Caliphate. During this period, long term and destructive wars began between Arabs
and the Khazars located to the north of Derbent.
At the beginning, the Arab Caliphate allowed local rulers to maintain their author-
ity. However, after consolidating power, the Caliphate eliminated local authority
and substituted locals with Arab rulers. During 797 – 798, Shirvan was ruled by esh-
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