Azerbaijani carpets / TABRIZ GROUP
In different fields of Azerbaijani
decorative applied-art, including car-
pets, these motifs are found in differ-
ent forms. The “buta” motifs depict-
ed here are the same on the ones on
Nadir shah’s and Qajar’s garments.
These types of “buta” are also seen on
“tirma” (silk) produced in Tabriz in
ancient times. The “buta” are yellow,
blue, pink, and light green. Between
the “buta,” convolvulus flower branch-
es are depicted. The colors seen in the
“buta” are repeated in the flowers on
the white branches. The tree motifs in
the black background medallion in the
center are very similar to each other,
with the trees on a light brown back-
ground. The trees with brown trunks
and branches seem relatively lively and
the orange flowers are clearly recogniz-
able. The colors of the pink and dark
red flowers in the gaps are coordinated
with the colors of the flowers on the
branches spreading from the right and
left of the tree. The blue flowers on the
left and right enrich the color scheme.
The colors of the dark blue and blue
trunks draw attention to the gentle de-
sign. The colors of the dark blue and
pink flowers create a special harmony
by coordination with the colors of the
flowers in the corner. Inside the pink
background medallions located in the
left and right of the middle field fifth
from the top and first from the right,
there are trees with blue and dark blue
trunks and branches and blue, yellow, dark red, dark blue, and brown flowers. The leaves
are designed in light green, brown, dark blue, dark green, and reddish colors. On the left
and right of the trees, there are small trees with dark blue trunks and light green, yellow,
brown, dark blue, and white leaves. The gaps are filled with flowery branches.
Below the blue medallion in the center on the red background, on the wavy altar-shaped
field with columned upper sections, there is a depiction in chandelier form. The gaps are
filledwith flowery and leafy branches and there is a pair of “buta” at the bottom. In the dark
blue gaps of the medallion, there are yellow, brown, pink, and green roses. The medallions
with the tree images, which are located on the altar-shaped yellow background below the
medallions with “buta” motifs, make the general vision of the carpet vivacious. The dark
blue, pink, and white flowers and dark red trunks and branches can also be seen clearly.
The colors of the small trees on the right and left of the larger trees have been designed with
great taste and mastery.
The secondmedallion from the top in the middle field and the first medallion from the left
are decoratedwith trees with pink trunks and branches, which are rarely seen. The relative-
ly small trees reminiscent of carnations, with a brown trunk and branches arouse a sense
of lively unity on the grey background. In the corner of the medallions, there are branches
with blue and pink four-petal flowers and branches with brown, dark blue, and yellow
flowers and grey and green leaves in the upper corners. In the medallions located above
the yellow medallions, a tree is depicted with a light brown trunk and dark red and dark
blue branches on the yellow background. The flowers are depicted in blue, pink, white,
and orange and the leaves are dark green. The blue half-medallion in the lower corners and
the dark red half-medallion in the upper corner also have flowers. These kinds of flowers
were seen on the vases of Iravan’s Serdar Palace. Below the middle field, among the yellow
medallions, inside the dark blue medallion there is a vase with brown branches with pink,
dark red, black, brown, and blue five-petal flowers and dark blue and light green leaves
and from the lower corners of the medallions, flowery branches spread out. The medallions
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