Azerbaijani carpets / TABRIZ GROUP
The carpet has a complex composition.
On the dark-blue background middle field inside the ivory medallion, Shah Abbas Safavid – the king of Safavid State
(1571-1629) – his wife, and son Shah Safi I (1629-1642) are depicted.
The first image from the right inside the medallion is Shah Abbas’s wife, the second one is Shah Abbas himself, and the
third is Shah Abbas’s son, Safi I. On the picture appear writings in “nastaligh”: on the right ketebe it is written “malak”
(angel), on the central ketebe it says “Iranian Emperor,” and on the left ketebe is written “valiahd” (successor).
Inside the medallion
on the upper part of
the middle field, in
the centre, there is a
portrait of Shah Ismail
Khatai (1487- 1524),
the great statesman,
poet, and the founder
of the Azerbaijani
Safavid Empire.
On the top of the mid-
dle field, inside the
medallion on the left
corner, Nader shah
Afshar (1688-1747) is
On the left of the mid-
dle field, Mohammad
shah Abbas Mirza’s son
Govanli Qajar’s (1810-
1848) portrait appears
inside the second medal-
lion from the top.
Inside the third me-
dallion from the top,
Qajar shah Nasred-
din’s son Govanli
Qajar’s (1831-1896)
portrait is depicted.
On the left side,
inside the second
medallion, from
below, Muzaffarad-
din Shah Nasreddin’s
son Govanli Qajar’s
(1853-1907) portrait is
At the bottom of the
middle field in the left
corner, Shah Abbas
Safavid (1571-1629) is
At the bottom of the
middle field, in the
centre, one of the Qajar
shahs, Mohammed Ali
Muzaffereddin’s son
Qajar (1872-1924), is
At the bottom of the
middle field inside
the third medallion
on the left, Nader
shah Afshar (1688-
1747) is depicted.
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