- Everything must be done right or the rug
is wrong. The dyes, the wool, the weaving,
the design, the finishing, the stretching. If
one part is not executed with 100% authentic-
ity, the rug will not be right. For example, we
use only pure, hand-spun wool of the high-
est quality and pure, all-natural dyes (includ-
ing all-vegetable dyes and vegetal dyes). For
example, it takes hundreds of pomegranate
rinds and onionskins just to make one color
for several medium-sized rugs.
- What can be done to promote the art of
rug weaving?
- People need to know how incredibly dif-
ficult it is to weave a rug...any rug. To weave
a rug authentically is an art form in and of
itself. And your efforts to enlighten people
are unavoidably important: the books, bro-
chures, this magazine, and the school you are
going to open. You should and will achieve
to draw the world’s attention to this art even
I also feel lucky that I had a chance to vis-
it Gonagkend, Pirebedil, Zeyve, Quba, and
some villages of Baku to see how this art is
being done authentically. I have been toAzer-
baijan five times. I love it there; it’s an amaz-
ing country. I mingle with the people and
they are lovable people. The food is the best. I
love it there, I have very fond memories.
Üzərində addımladığımız sənət nümunələri...
Müsahibədə ABŞ-dan olan xalça eksperti Riçard Rostayn xalçaçılıq, xüsusən
Azərbaycan xalçaçılığı ilə bağlı sualları cavablandırıb. Azərbaycan xalçala-
rının texniki və bədii cəhətlərinə nəzər yetirilib, onların əhəməyyətindən bəhs
Произведения искусства, по которым мы ходим…
В статье эксперт по коврам из США Ричард Ростайн ответил на во-
просы, связанные с ковроткачеством, в том числе азербайджанским ков-
роткачеством. Внимание было обращено на технические и художествен-
ные особенности азербайджанских ковров, а также их значимость.
Carpet. Wool. Pile weave. 245x143. 1800.
Karabakh group. Azerbaijan.
Carpet. Wool. Pile weave. 186x143. 1800.
Gazakh-Borchali group. Azerbaijan.
1...,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80 82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,...204